What’s Up friends?!

What’s Up friends?!

Hello, hello, hello!!! Long time no chat! I’m sorry about that. We have had a few trying things going on in the last few months but all is well now. And I am back 🙂

Sooo..here’s what has been up with me. I have recently joined the YMCA and I am loving it. My friend convinced me to try a few classes like Body Pump and a HIIT class. I really enjoy Body Pump a lot! The instructors are amazing and its a lot of fun. The HIIT class was fun too but the seat hurt my ass lol. I am going to try it again. Promise.

Here is my struggle: how do I work 30+ hours a week, take care of the fam, the house, do my school work (so behind on this…) and then have time for myself and not feel awful about it? The days I go to the gym I really enjoy it but I don’t get home until like 7/7:30 and then I have to eat (usually my hubby feeds the kids before hand if they are coming with me to play) and I then get like an hour with my boys before bed…its a struggle…how do you mommies do it?? I am open to suggestions! I know it is important for me to have that time and I am trying to better myself for my kiddos but its just hard to get it all done in a day!!


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