What’s Up friends?!

What’s Up friends?!

Hello, hello, hello!!! Long time no chat! I’m sorry about that. We have had a few trying things going on in the last few months but all is well now. And I am back 🙂

Sooo..here’s what has been up with me. I have recently joined the YMCA and I am loving it. My friend convinced me to try a few classes like Body Pump and a HIIT class. I really enjoy Body Pump a lot! The instructors are amazing and its a lot of fun. The HIIT class was fun too but the seat hurt my ass lol. I am going to try it again. Promise.

Here is my struggle: how do I work 30+ hours a week, take care of the fam, the house, do my school work (so behind on this…) and then have time for myself and not feel awful about it? The days I go to the gym I really enjoy it but I don’t get home until like 7/7:30 and then I have to eat (usually my hubby feeds the kids before hand if they are coming with me to play) and I then get like an hour with my boys before bed…its a struggle…how do you mommies do it?? I am open to suggestions! I know it is important for me to have that time and I am trying to better myself for my kiddos but its just hard to get it all done in a day!!


Stress overload anyone?

Stress overload anyone?

stressHow many of you are on STRESS overload whether it be with work, school, kids, health…you name it…I think it happens to all of us. How do you handle stress? Lock yourself in your sound proof room and scream? (I wish I had a sound proof room lol)

Here are a few ways I try to relieve some stress…

  • Make a list…write down everything you need to do or everything you are afraid you will forget and then prioritize it!
  • Clear “unnecessary” stuff off your list. Yes…we all need time with friends and to grocery shop and blah blah…but it doesn’t always need to be done right this minute. If you’re tired, cancel the plans you made for the night…a good friend will totally understand why you are wanting to reschedule…and you know what you can always grocery shop online and go pick it up (boom, just saved yourself at least an hour of wandering around the grocery store)
  • Disconnect. When you’re home, be home. You don’t always need to be available to everyone! It is 1000% OK to just enjoy sometime with  your family or by yourself!
  • Read a book, listen to some music, take a walk, color a picture, bake a cake…find what helps you relax!
  • Meditate…seriously. It works. There are so many free meditation apps and podcasts, just google it!! (Or let me know if you want to know what I use, I’ll share!)

No matter what you decide to do just make sure it gives you a brief break from reality. I have to constantly stop and remind myself to breathe and relax. We are only human. And if you are a person who deals with stress really well, please share with us all how you do it because you are awesome…lol

Honestly, we are all awesome. We do what we can with the time we have and at the end of the day that is all you can do. Remember to be nice to people you come across because chances are they are stressed too and sometimes they just need a simple hello or a kind smile from someone like you.

Maybe it’s just me?

Maybe it’s just me?

Ever feel like you’re doing too much to try to get somewhere but you just don’t know where? I have been feeling like this for a long time…I just don’t know what it is that I’m supposed to be doing besides being a mama and a wife. I have various jobs, 2 businesses I love, going to school for a master’s degree…maybe I’m just doing too much?! Problem is that if I stop doing the income producing activities there is no extra money for fun with the family! Yet I lie awake many nights wondering what my next move should be! So I think in order to start to figure out what it is that I am meant to do I am going to start to really organize my life in all aspects…well I have started a little already but I need to do more. I have a full weekend at home and some free time next week so what better time than now to work on organizing and the first place I’m starting is my favorite place of all…home! Maybe it will help relieve some stress so I can be a happier mama who doesn’t get irritated about crap laying all over? It’s worth a shot? Whose with me?! 🙂



Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment

I need an attitude adjustment!! How about you? I don’t want to be a negative Nelly and I try hard not to be even though sometimes shit just sucks. Sometimes I feel like I am my own worst enemy! I am getting better at it though as I have been reading some great books to help me with this all! And then I found this little challenge and I really like it. I am not going to go outside and exercise though unless it warms up. Its too damn cold out lol! I am going to try though to get active and use the gym membership I am paying for…

Who is with me?!!



Motherhood…sometimes you just lose your shit…

Motherhood…sometimes you just lose your shit…

I struggle daily to get my children to get out of bed for school. Then they go downstairs where they lay on the couch, snuggle back up, and try to go back to sleep. When I finally get their responses on what they would like for breakfast and get it made and ready, 10 minutes later it is time to leave for school. And they have barely touched their breakfasts. I tell them to bring it with. Then we spend 10 minutes of me saying “get your shoes on” at least 16 times. Then it’s “get your jacket on.”  By the 5th time of explaining it is time to get their shoes on I have started to lose my shit. And I don’t sound very nice anymore. And by the 16th time…I’m yelling.

This is a typical morning before school in my house…I know it can’t be just me. Does anyone else go through the same thing every day?

Or how about getting your children to clean up their messes? I have this problem on occasion…Why do I have to say it over and over and then once again, lose my shit, for it to get done?

So if you are having the same troubles I am, let’s work together??!! Let’s put together a strategic plan to make this easier on everyone. I really hate losing my shit on my kids before school because I feel like an awful mother for yelling but WHY do they have to make it so difficult?!

I feel like I am to blame for some of this. So I am going to start with these few little steps to make mornings easier:

  1. Get their clothes laid out the night before
  2. Get breakfast figured out the night before
  3. Get up earlier myself!! (I absolutely hate mornings and I hate getting up early but its got to be done!!)
  4. Put them to bed 30 minutes earlier with no tv or any other electronics to watch before bed. (Yes I know, I am a bad mom who lets my kids watch tv before bed

As far as cleaning up their messes promptly…I need to work on this too. I have a few ideas and I need to stick to them. I have threatened to take things away but I need to actually follow through and do it when they don’t do what they are supposed to!!

Bottom line is…we are not all perfect mothers. We can’t all be perfect. We are all in the same boat and just learning as we go. Sometimes, you just need to lose your shit. I am trying not to do it in front of my kiddos though. After all, they are kids. They are not perfect and neither am I!

Maybe as moms, we do things differently, and we have different ideas! That doesn’t mean that because we do it differently that one way is better than the other way. We are all in this shit together. So lets be supportive of each other?! No judging, just good old fashioned support! That mom who is yelling at her kid in the store, you have no idea how her day has gone before that. Right?!
