Motherhood…sometimes you just lose your shit…

Motherhood…sometimes you just lose your shit…

I struggle daily to get my children to get out of bed for school. Then they go downstairs where they lay on the couch, snuggle back up, and try to go back to sleep. When I finally get their responses on what they would like for breakfast and get it made and ready, 10 minutes later it is time to leave for school. And they have barely touched their breakfasts. I tell them to bring it with. Then we spend 10 minutes of me saying “get your shoes on” at least 16 times. Then it’s “get your jacket on.”  By the 5th time of explaining it is time to get their shoes on I have started to lose my shit. And I don’t sound very nice anymore. And by the 16th time…I’m yelling.

This is a typical morning before school in my house…I know it can’t be just me. Does anyone else go through the same thing every day?

Or how about getting your children to clean up their messes? I have this problem on occasion…Why do I have to say it over and over and then once again, lose my shit, for it to get done?

So if you are having the same troubles I am, let’s work together??!! Let’s put together a strategic plan to make this easier on everyone. I really hate losing my shit on my kids before school because I feel like an awful mother for yelling but WHY do they have to make it so difficult?!

I feel like I am to blame for some of this. So I am going to start with these few little steps to make mornings easier:

  1. Get their clothes laid out the night before
  2. Get breakfast figured out the night before
  3. Get up earlier myself!! (I absolutely hate mornings and I hate getting up early but its got to be done!!)
  4. Put them to bed 30 minutes earlier with no tv or any other electronics to watch before bed. (Yes I know, I am a bad mom who lets my kids watch tv before bed

As far as cleaning up their messes promptly…I need to work on this too. I have a few ideas and I need to stick to them. I have threatened to take things away but I need to actually follow through and do it when they don’t do what they are supposed to!!

Bottom line is…we are not all perfect mothers. We can’t all be perfect. We are all in the same boat and just learning as we go. Sometimes, you just need to lose your shit. I am trying not to do it in front of my kiddos though. After all, they are kids. They are not perfect and neither am I!

Maybe as moms, we do things differently, and we have different ideas! That doesn’t mean that because we do it differently that one way is better than the other way. We are all in this shit together. So lets be supportive of each other?! No judging, just good old fashioned support! That mom who is yelling at her kid in the store, you have no idea how her day has gone before that. Right?!


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